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Today is a day that is difficult.

Today is a day that is difficult. Today I have hidden from the world within the confines of my burgundy cardigan, with sleeves that run down past my hands, at least twice. Today I find it hard to focus on almost everything; The coffee I made myself half an hour ago that is slowly, yet surely, going cold in my 'Bigger on the Inside' TARDIS mug, which I brought to work in hopes that it would cut through the monotony of office work; Any of the assignments I am supposed to be dedicating my time to. All silently, yet ever so loudly with each stroke of my keyboard keys and my computer's ever evolving amount of browser tabs, beckoning for my attention; The fact that I am wearing a shirt that I really don't like, and a long, red, pencil skirt that feels too formal for my skin but is the result of having woken up late and dressed myself without much forethought into my choice of attire; The fight I had with my significant other last night, yet again, over the same so

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